Category: Decolonization

  • Why Food? + Recipe: Plantains with Pink Papaya Seed Sauce

    Food is one of the most important things in our lives. No matter who we are, we are united in our need to eat. Remembering my life in the corporate world, I recall that frustration of having to figure out how to feed myself when I got home, as if it were some chore. This…

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  • The Road Home is a Circle: Finding Feelings in the Mundane

    Is there any home that doesn’t have some sort of junk drawer? Or a coffee table with some random fuzz and a nail file in it? Perhaps this hopeless, lost desire for the perfect home possessed us all at the same time. But this isn’t a piece to blame social media. It’s a piece in…

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  • The Sound of Land and Why We’re Moving

    Who would’ve known that leaves have a sound. You can’t hear the sound of the leaves in the city. Did you know that there’s a butterfly here that makes a noise? When did you last hear a hummingbird? They sing a song too.

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  • My First Altar for Day of the Dead

    It was uncanny how my landlady and the lady in the market told me the same thing. “We hold them in our hearts.” On that day, I held my grandma in my heart, and stared into her photo. I was suddenly gripped with the distinct feeling that her eyes were looking directly at me.

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  • While You Were On Instagram

    While you were on Instagram, we prepared for a hurricane and I got dengue. We bought a plot of land. I had a walk and coffee. I spilled something. While you were on Instagram, I was undoubtedly doing something in the real world, and whatever it was, it felt good.

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  • The Imperfect Cracks in the Pinterest Home

    If you have ever wanted a Pinterest-worthy home, it is not as glorious as it seems. For most of my life, home was a moving target in definition and location. It took me a long time to realize that home is happening all around us, in the seemingly imperfect cracks of our perfect homes.

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  • Part 1: Preparing for a Hurricane in Oaxaca

    The day before the hurricane, we woke up without electricity, cell service, and internet. The weather seemed torrential, like there was a great fury the sky intended to unleash. The day would be filled with occurrences that all felt important as I pondered how far away from home I am.

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